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Our complaints procedure has been designed to meet the requirements of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).  

Latest customer complaints data  

All financial organisations that receive more than 500 FCA reportable complaints during a six-month period are required to publish data on complaints received in accordance with FCA Dispute Resolution: Complaints Sourcebook (DISP).  

We welcome any measures within the financial services sector that encourage transparency and support the improvement of customer service.  

The information we receive through complaints provides useful insight into the daily issues important to our Members and Intermediary partners, which can help us improve our products and services. 

In the first instance, please contact us by: 

Telephone: 0800 028 8650 

Post: Customer Relations 
Newcastle Building Society 
1 Cobalt Park Way 
NE28 9EJ 

We will endeavour to resolve your concerns quickly. Please provide us with your name, account or policy number, the reason for your concern and as much relevant information as possible to assist us. We will do all we can to resolve your complaint within three working days following the day it was received.  

Resolving your complaint 

  1. We will send you a prompt written acknowledgement to advise you that we have received the complaintand are dealing with it.  
  2. A full and final response will be sent within eight weeks from the date we received your initial complaint. It will set out our understanding of your concerns and a possible resolution. If you feel you have additional information to support your complaint whilst we investigate it for you. Please let us know, so we can resolve matters for you in full.  
  3. If we are unable to issue our full and final response within eight weeks. We will write to you to update you on the progress of your complaint and the expected resolution date, where possible. 
  4. We are committed to ensuring that all complaints are fairly addressed. However, if you are still unhappy with the outcome of our full and final response. Or if eight weeks have passed, and we have been unable to respond. You may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Referrals to FOS are free of charge and must be referred within six months from the date of the final response letter.   

The Financial Ombudsman Service/Online Dispute Resolution 

Address: Financial Ombudsman Service 
Exchange Tower 
Harbour Exchange Square 
E14 9SR 

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 (free on mobile and landlines) or 0300 123 9 123 (calls to 0300 numbers cost the same as a call to a standard ‘01’ or ‘02’ landline number, even when calling from a mobile).